8 Ways to Soothe a Hyperactive Cat : A Step-By-Step Guide - RealESALetter
Having a hyperactive kitty at home? Do not know what to do with all that energy? Don’t worry you are not alone. Cats are generally less active and playful than dogs as they do not need their daily walks and runs and are happy to stay indoors.
To bring your kitty home, you will need an ESA letter for housing but to keep your kitty healthy and manageable, you will need to do something to manage all that energy. A high energy cat is more demanding than a docile one. However, you will need to have some playful and engaging ways to help the cat use its energy.
How do you calm down a hyper cat?
Below, we have discussed some easy ways of helping your cat do it.
- Give your cat a private place. Cats love to have their private and personal space. This could be anything from its own cat house to the corner of the room. The best way of doing it is to get a basket and fill it woth some blanket and chew toys. Besides, also get a scratching post and litter box to keep the cat happy.Always remember that you need an emotional support animal letter in order to live peacefully with your esa.
- Play some soothing cat music. Cats love music but they do not like our type of music. Cats have their own kind of music and this is what you will need to play to keep her happy and calm. Cats and kittens could be hyperactive due to many reasons and playing soothing music like classical and instrumental will soothe her nerves.
- Arrange play sessions. Cats love to have their playtime and to help them get ample play and frolic, you should arrange some reasonable and engaging play sessions for your kitty. Try to give her ample exercise and climbing and jumping and get her such toys that would help them work on their physical fitness.
- Get high-quality puzzles and cat toys. Cat toys like puzzles and cat trees will give your kitty the needed mental stimulation. Other than providing her something to climb on and release all the energy in a positive manner, you can also hide some cat treats and give her when she completes a level.Always look online for cheapest esa letter before applying for an esa letter and then proceed further.
- Get a friend for your cat. Animals love to have their kind of companions with them and to make things engaging, we suggest that you adopt or get another ESA cat. However, get them both neutered and let them play around all day long. They will get companions and you will get two cuddly friends for life.
- Have ample ‘we’ time with your cat. Cats love to spend time with their human companions and this is why they thrive on interaction. Contrary to what people believe about them being self-absorbed, they do need some time with you. This could be anything from cuddling with your kitty to having a full-on play with her. She will love and appreciate the attention a lot.Always remember to check some esa letter online before applying for an esa letter and then proceed further.
- Get soothing essential oils for your cat. Not all essential oils are suitable for your cat but there are some that help to soothe the hyperactive and anxious nerves of your cat. Research and see which oils work the best for your cat. Also, consult your veterinarian to know about the oils that are dangerous for your cat.
- Enjoy every moment woth your cat. Animals have a shorter lifespan than us and this is something very heartbreaking for an ESA owner. However, this is inevitable and teh best that you could do is to enjoy every moment with your feline. Spending time with your cat will calm her down.
Cats are lovely creatures. They are full of personality and offer a lot to its owner. As a cat lover and owner, you will get to see a different side of this feline and we are sure that you will enjoy it a lot.In the end check online some emotional support dog vest or cat vest in order to gain more control over your dog or cat.